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next month PLZZZZZZZ
  ThuNDeR, Mar 30 2009

Well I guess my march ended up the way it started,with a huuuuuge downswing .As you can see from the graph I pretty much crushed 100nl after the ridiculous start I had and even managed to make a decent winrate.So far so good,butttt in the end of the month I decided to take a shot at 200nl.Probably wouldnt be that disasterous,if I had reduced the tables and played more focused.Ofc I didnt and started to play straight my 100nl game 9tabling which combined with running relatively bad lead me to some pretty discouraging results,killing nearly my whole winning for the month,fml!.Thank God that IPN are kind rakeback wise and including it I ended up about +1,3k $ ,so after all... it could be worse right ?!
Here are the pics:

I guess I'm gonna play 100nl for the rest of my life (hope NOT lol :/ )

Here is my girlfriend wannabe,ofc she will never want me unless I reach 200nl :D so wish me luck with that!

Btw as you might know I'm playing on IPN atm,but I'm planning to deposit on some OnGame skin to see how good are the players there and mix the games when the tables on IPN suck.Any of you has any impression about this network or any other propositions for softer 100nl network ? I'm also thinking about LuckyAce Poker.Any thoughts would be apriciated

Thats from me for now.GL at the tables m8s!

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MidMarch Summary
  ThuNDeR, Mar 16 2009

March has been pretty annoying so far.Running like shit most of the time.Thanks to PokerGods there are still superidiots spewing money around so that it compenses it a bit I guess.
So the month started with my worst session of all times in which I ended up about -9 BI (too bad I never really use this stoploss rule I have lol).Since then I'm struggling to grind the moneyz back and hopefully I will be able to finish the month with some profit including the rakeback.Got BlueFirePoker acc so I'm gonna watch some of their videos these days and I hope they will help me improove my game(may be they will finally reveal the secret how to run good )
Here is the graph.Feel free to laugh lol

Also wanna represent you Miss Playmate Bulgaria 2006.She won the title 2006,but she could easily do so if she takes part of the any event every year in any country! obviously :D on any planet too!

And last if anyone of you needs help in designing bridges or has doubts about what construction to use in his building engineering project please feel free to ask me :D since I'm making exactly this shit right now in the uni (this is not brag but whine blah )

So hope you guys run better than me.GL at the tables !

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GG February!
  ThuNDeR, Mar 01 2009

Hello WOrld!
Its my first blogpost ever.Just want to make a little summary of my pokermonth.This have been the first month for very long time when I had the opportunity to play decent number of hands,since my exams are all over(and successful ).At the beginning I was grinding 50nl on iPoker and when I got about 3,5k $ I took a shot on 100nl.I've been crushing this limit since then.Obviously I've been running good,but I think I really played my best game ever managing to 9table most of the time playing pretty solid.I still have to work a lot on my redline which you can easily see from my graphics.I ended up about +3,4k $ in the end of the month including the rakeback,doubling my roll which is fucking awesome!
So no more shittalk... here are the stats/graphics.

Thats all from me now.GL at the tables!

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